
I am on Midgardsormr

Look at my Warriors of Light

Mot'mot Onyon Dankovsky

Yulia Lyuricheva

Bioh "Biohazard" Adrik

Ryuunosuke Naruhodou

27 ★ He/They ★ Bisexual

Keeper of the Moon, raised far outside of the culture.

The youngest of six adopted by an eccentric Sharlayan elezen named Audouinette Dankovsky. Arrived in Eorzea to learn black magics but ended up becoming the Warrior of Light, as you do.

Rarely speaks, opting for single-word affirmations or responses instead, if at all. In truth he's scared his words will be taken out of context so he chooses to say nothing at all. Bad choice!

He's quiet, yet often tries to smile for those he helps as the Warrior of Light. The burden of his station is heavy upon his shoulders, and his smile has become exceedingly fake and harder to bear. He doesn't like being the Warrior of Light, but to leave his path would be to abandon so many people who believe in him.

He'll never say no to a quest, much to his detriment. If you try to interact with him by treating him as the Warrior of Light, he'll treat you with his fabricated personality: A stock hero who smiles and tells you it'll be alright. If you approach him with the intent of knowing who he is beyond being the Warrior of Light, acknowledging his struggle and not taking him for granted, he'll treat you with his truth: A quiet, somewhat shy young man who chooses his words carefully so that you understand his meaning.

Despite his rather cushy and priveleged upbringing, he had a lot of anger issues that he intended to vent with the use of Black Magic. Though, being wrapped up in the Scion business, he eventually took up the mantle of Dark Knight, to which he wields to this day.

26 ★ She/Her ★ Lesbian

Xaela Au Ra from the Malqir tribe, though left for the city with close friends and adopted a "city name".

Part of a group called the Onierotects who worked on a very... experimental architecture project called the "Marble Nest", working on road planning for the project. The whole thing ended in extreme failure and tragedy, so she left her friends and swore off the works the Onierotects did. However, she misses them all dearly.

She's calm-tempered, very clever, and slightly absent-minded. Her speech is slightly automatonlike, as if her mind’s somewhere else, deep in the midst of frenzied calculations unrelated to the conversation at hand. Her passion is mathematics, but it's bordering on the metaphysical. She sees the connection between all things, or at least theorizes it.

Her mathematical theories have lead her to a fatalist outlook on life, where all actions are preordained by some universal equation in which everything is a variable that can be accounted for. She often muses on her theories, and has people test them out for her with experiments that only she knows the scope of. She's willing to utilize her knowledge in novel ways, and is always thinking of the next solution to the next problem she seems to find.

She's always happy to speak theory with others if they ask, though will under no circumstances speak about her involvement with the "Marble Nest" or what happened during that.

??? ★ She/Her ★ Bisexual

Viera hailing from the mountains in the Skatay region, allegedly. Her story changes every time.

A traveling merchant, peddling strange wares that she definitely shouldn't have her hands on. Her favorite thing to sell are job stones taken from the corpses of the fallen. She doesn't deal in gil, but will accept favors or other more abstract things. Do not take an I.O.U. plan from her, because she will collect when it's least convenient for you.

She's a complete enigma. It's hard to tell if she's friend or foe, but she's definitely not an altruist. Her avarice leads her to collecting the bizarre and interesting. Her wares range from rare materials to strange artefacts to job stones to things more intangible. It's impossible to say how she obtained these things, but it's only known that she has these things.

She's friendly and polite, always with a smile on her face and bright eyes. But... is her smile too wide? Are her eyes too bright? Is her politeness too patronizing? She could be similar to the faerie of Norvrandt, with playfulness that boarders on maliciousness. Much like fae from myth, she's very fair. She, almost hypocritically, values trust between patron and patronee despite how she herself seems pretty untrustworthy by action alone.

Her "past" are her past sales, her past collections, her past clients, and her past wares. Though, she does hold fondness for the Skatay region and the mountains.

26 ★ He/Him ★ Bisexual

Raen Au Ra, hailing from Hingashi (though he's originally from Sui-no-Sato).

Was studying Eorzean at Yuumei University when his certified best friend, a miqo'te named Kazuma Asougi, convinced him to travel together to Eorzea for some unknown purpose. Along the way, Kazuma was tragically lost at sea, and Ryuunosuke took up his mantle as both a Defense Attorney and a Warrior of Light to complete the task that Kazuma had alluded to. Problem is, he has no idea what that task is.

He's generally kind, though seems somewhat naïve. Do not underestimate him, however, as he aggressively pursues the truth of any matter with an almost animalistic desire to hunt down liars. With the blessing of the Echo, he can often pick out lies from truth, and uses that to his deft advantage in any situation. He will stop at nothing to pursue his personal ideals of what is absolutely right in the name of justice or morals. Most people would call this "being an asshole", he calls it "pursuing the absolute truth".

Life as the Warrior of Light has only exacerbated this issue, and he does truly believe himself to be "Good" and those who stand against him to be "Bad", with such strong conviction that it would be difficult to sway him from his beliefs. However, his conviction has seen him through many a tragedy and hardship, and it gives him strength to continue forwards.

His past in Shisui is a hidden one, though not intentionally. When he speaks of his past, he usually only talks about his life in Hingashi, and speaks of his childhood vaguely enough that most people just assume he's from a village beside the sea rather than in it.

★ Feel free to talk to me about my WoLs!
★ Mot'mot is my main, so he has a lot of emotional baggage. He's edgy, but I try not to make him "I am all of me"-type edgy. He's very sweet I promise wait where are you going--
★ Yes, Ryuunosuke and Yulia are characters from other media but these ones are my FFXIV OCs now. If you're familiar with their parent works, you're familiar with the bones of their backstories. FFXIV does let me add a lot of spice to it.
★ Biohazard's name is a reference to Resident Evil, which I like way too much.
★ My main twitter is @inuhodo, feel free to follow!